Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Walk Quiet

The quiet fills my soul and body
as I walk this winter water.
The wind murmurs in the pines on high,
the oak leaves rustle as I pass by,
the airplane drones up in the sky,
the blue jay squawks as he and I
go through his territory.
Prayers flow forth:
For children, family, friends;
That those who know Him will come closer
and those who don't will hear Him say,
'I am the Truth, the Life, the Way.'
And may I always turn my face
to God, the Lord Creator
in times of hardship in my life
and in this quiet place.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Astounding Reds

Have you ever seen a ruby throated hummingbird?
A wondrous testament of God's creative power.
The intricate beauty astounds;
The brilliance compounds
as it dips and whirls
displaying its exotic beauty all around.
What a God we have.
Makes galaxies so high
and little birds that fly...
All for us.
Imagine what awaits
beyond heaven's gates!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Fly United

I love watching the sun rise
and the shadows chase away;
Sitting in my breakfast nook
reading God's Word at the break of day.
I'm in Ephesians 1:3 where Paul says:
Christ has blessed us
with all spiritual blessings
in heavenly places.
I think on that, as the sun climbs higher;
Earthly high places are the sky
the heavens, the universe.
But spiritual high places lift us higher,
lift our spirits into His heavenlies.
Oh, I'll soar with Him today
and thank Him for taking me away
into His high places!
I peeked ahead and what did I see
that Paul said later in Ephesians?
It's not just me sitting there above:
Jesus Christ is there with me.
And not just there all by ourselves!
It's you and I raised up in love
seated together
in those heavenly places!
Come fly with me!
You say 'No way, that can't be me.
I'm too far gone, too far away.'
Well verse 2:5 here addresses that
It's just by grace we're saved,
by grace we're raised
together with Christ!
And 2:13 says we're brought close
by Jesus' blood we are made whole.
So you can fly
with healed spirit and soul.
We're called to be one body (4:4),
one spirit with Him, one Hope.
We work on this earth together
and fly the heavenly skies united
in Jesus Christ our Lord!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Light Up

If you sometimes feel like you're sitting in darkness,

dwelling in shadows and death.

Let Jesus come and shed His great light

and instead of that darkness,

His Light springs forth bright.

He shines His Light on us

and we in turn

let Him shine through us

as we live and learn.

I remember the kid's song that urges us to:

"Hide it under a bushel? NO!

I'm gonna let it shine!"

So be it, Lord.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I'll go to his grave

'tho I know he's not there.

I wish I could see him,

once again feel his care.

I wish I could tell him

what a great dad he was.

And give him some kisses

and a great big hug.

He made me feel loved

and oh, so secure.

My childhood was blessed

full of wild fun and cheer.

'Cause he loved to joke

and think of great pranks.

Plus he taught me so much.

I'd love to say 'thanks'

one more time.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Blinding Light

The Lord ~ He is my Light.

I want to walk in the Light,

Live in the Light,

Believe in the Light.

He is the Light of the world.

I don't want to live in darkness

or walk in darkness.

I don't want to be blind.

I want to see,

See You,

See Your Light.

I want only to be blind

To all that is of the darkness.

The Lord ~ He is my Light.

He is my Salvation.

He illuminates with grace,

With freedom,

With joy.

I rejoice in the Light.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I'm intrigued by the fact

that one log by itself

doesn't burn so well.

That 2 or 3 must be gathered together

and then there's a fire swell.

Even if that one piece of wood

started with the others.

If it separates out, it soon burns down

The light goes dim and it smolders.

I see a bit of a correlation.

Maybe you do too.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


When the storms of life surround you

and the clouds block out the sun,

Things don't make sense around you

it seems you're the only one.

The hurts and worries rumble

like thunder in your head,

The pain feels so intense

it seems you're close to dead.

Then cry out to the Master

Who calms the stormy seas,

And let Him lift the burdens that you carry.

He has borne your sickness

when He died upon the tree.

He will give you strength to walk

and fill your heart with peace.

Come unto the great Life-Giver,

Repairer of the broken.

Come and rest in God your Savior

King of all the universe!

Monday, February 27, 2012


They call it the Eureka Ditch

And when I walk it, I'm enriched

With a time to think, a time to pray

A time to relax and get away.

I prefer the ditch in its natural array.

But gunnite's way better than piping, I'll say.

There is an old lady who lives down the path

Her 4 dogs bark and she yells her wrath.

It does ruin the peace but I guess that's life.

This earth is filled with noise and strife.

But I just walk on and enjoy the next part

And make sure that peace and joy rule my heart.

If I walk just past where my ditch ends

And this great waterfall descends

I can see our town past the trees below

And the canyon there where the river flows.

Just beyond that is where my son lives

And my daughter's home is just over the ridge.

If you look real hard, you'll see my bro

Driving slam bang for the casino.

And further on up the road is a school

Where my hubby and I both learned the rules;

As well as our kids and grandkids now.

Yep ~ I love where I live With beauty all 'round.

I say 'Eureka' for what I have found.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


" O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together."

Psalm 34:3

Oh, I love to be with You

where Your glory dwells.

Coming there to meet with You

in the morning hours.

Oh, I love to be with You

where Your body meets.

Coming there to be with others

in fellowship so sweet.

As we're filled up with Your love

by basking in Your presence,

We can fill each other up

as we meet together.

And we'll magnify Your Name,

Exalting You ~ forever!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Snow Soap

I'm anxiously waiting for the sun to come out,

to peek through the clouds and shine on the fresh fallen snow.

The branches without leaves look so lacey.
The needles topped with snow

take my breath away.

The live oak with their dark black trunks
are clothed in gleaming white.

The primrose are just sprinkled.
They were tucked in by the house so tight
not getting the impact of the snow last night.

The pines make it look like Christmas once again.

Remember when we made 'soap snow'

out of detergent powder

and splashed it on our Christmas trees?

That's what these pines remind me of.

I love the changes snow brings:

the clouds and shadows and misty rings,

the transformation as the sun shines

through and onto everything.

I love this crazy winter.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


It's cooling off a bit. So if we do get rain

it could turn into snow

and we'll have winter once again.

The dark clouds form, the sunset hides,

The mist comes forth from canyons wide.

The sun not seen, the wind roars past.

And flurries of snow come down at last.

Not quite a blizzard, not quite yet.

But enough for sledding and getting wet.

We love you winter and season's change.

But don't worry, we'll be ready

when it's time for spring again!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Living Water

"You are a Fountain springing up in my garden; a well of Living Waters."
Song of Solomon 4:15

Jesus, Fountain of life ~
In Him is all life. He fills me as I drink of Him,
and others are refreshed to hope and to rejoice.

Jesus, Spring of Water ~
In Him are dry wells filled. The parched deserts watered,
and the valley of weeping becomes a place of springs.

Jesus, River of Life ~
that flows freely from the throne of God,
giving such a satisfaction and pleasure to my soul.

Jesus, Fountain of Living Water ~
that cleanses from sin,
bringing such healing and joy within.

May I never forsake.
May I forever come to You, this Healing Stream.

Psalms 36:9; 87:7; John 7:37-38; Song of Solomon 4:15; Psalm 84:5-8;
Revelation 22:1; Psalm 36:8; Jeremiah 17:12-14

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


When the clouds feel the sun's rising, they reach up to meet it.

The warmth of the rays of sunlight stretch out to greet them.

Yes, the clouds which had hovered in canyons of darkness

rise up to meet their sun!

And as the sun touches them, they turn from cold gray

to a glorious bright golden glow.

O, may we do this in our times of despair,

and in our days of darkness and fear.

And may we habitually do it each morning

in rising up from the darkness of night

to meet with the Son in His glorious light!

"The mighty One, God the Lord, speaks and calls the earth.

From the rising of the sun to it's setting... God shines forth!" Psalm 50:1-2

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I'm dreamin' of being on the beach today;

On the beach of the Irish Sea.

Dreamin' of enjoying sun and sail.

Went last summer so it's been awhile.

There's nothing like it that I've ever seen.

And I'm itchin' to go again.

Monday, January 30, 2012


The beauty of the sunrise is the clouds up in the sky,

and the glory of the sun's reflection there.

The beauty of the ocean is the waves upon the sea,

and the brightness of the sun's refraction there.

The blowing of the wind brings the clouds into the sky;

The blowing also moves upon the sea.

Blow, O Holy Spirit, Your wind upon my soul

thatYour life may be reflected,

and Your glory may be seen.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Love Bucket

When I woke up this morning at 5:23

I looked out my window and what did I see?

In the dark before dawn in God's vast galaxy

The bright white Big Dipper looking at me.

I imagined it pouring a bucket of love

From God my Father in heaven above.

I remembered His Words and heard His voice say:

"Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.

Shoulder My yoke and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart,

and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son

so that anyone who believes in Him would not be lost but have life everlasting."

"I am the God that heals you."

"And nothing will ever separate you from the love of your God."

Please pour out Your buckets of love today, I pray.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Rain Washed

What a joy to walk outside on the day after a rain.

With everything so shiny bright and all washed fresh and clean.

The flicker and the blue jay, chirp and peck with beaks

The land yields forth so easily the worms they seek.

The hummingbirds find food in the bathed petunia bloom.

The chickadees flit happily among the fallen limbs.

The breeze that blows wafts the pungent earth's aroma:

Damp dirt

Wet bark

Soaked oaks

Soggy cedars

Rushing rivers

Flooded fields

Sodden sand

Dripping rooftops

Darkened deck

Saturated hillsides

Piquant pines

Gleaming grasses

Puddled pavement

Steaming pathways

Smoking chimneys

Misty manzanitas

Muddy landscape

Slippery slides

Sparkling cars


Shining pyracanthas

Our senses are revived.

All has been renewed ~ Everything washed clean.

All has been refreshed.

Even me.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


It looks like winter's finally come.

The 1st day in 6 months I haven't seen the sun.

Rain, rain and more comes down.

Can't see my canyons or far mountains now.

I know the sun's there, just hidden by clouds.

Just like the Son's there when we're feeling down.

The rain brings water to the earth below.

It's what we need to flourish and grow.

The sun will return when the dark time is over.

We may catch a glimpse of a rainbow before

the sun comes back in its glory.

Friday, January 20, 2012

So Beautiful

Is there anything more beautiful

on a winter's eve

than the full moon peeking

over mountains through the trees?

Is there anything more breathtaking

than looking to the sky

and seeing radiant stars on a moonless night?

Is there anything more exquisite than the rising sun

its brightness so reflective

on everything and everyone.

Is there anything more lovely than the rippling brook

flowing over rock and stones,

beauty everywhere you look?

Is there anything more delightful

than the flitting wings

of the hummingbird?

Is there anything?

Yes, I do believe there is: There's you!!

The Pathway

"For You are the glory of our strength, and by Your favor we walk with uplifted faces."
Psalm 89:17

Come, Let us walk the pathway He has for us.
Listen ~ the trumpet calls.
See the sun rising up over the mountain.
It illuminates the path,
It lights the way,
It shines on you,
It's the break of day!

Rise out of the darkness.
Come into the glory
of seeing His brightness,
of seeing His triumph,
of seeing the pathway that He has for you.

Look up to Jesus.
Trust not in yourself,
for our own understanding is shallow,
our own ways are lower,
our own plans are futile.

Step into the Light!
It's flooding your heart
to brighten your path,
to give a new start.

As we walk in His way, He makes us anew.
Listen ~ He's calling. Rise up, come away...

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sun Magic

Oh my ~ I just watched the sun rise

and spread its golden glow

over all my eyes could see...

the tips of the pine trees,

the glossy oak leaves,

the zinnias and marigolds,

the flowing waterfalls,

and even over me.

The flying bugs and bees turned into fireflies.

Whatever the sun touches, it changes.

Whatever the Son touches, He changes.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Red Kia

I do love going for a drive 'tho it's not quite the same

since my red Kia Sportage met its day of shame!

Up one mount and down another, hair blowing in the wind

was my favorite recreation and I'm sure will be again.

Driving up Sonora Pass or down the PCH;

up 101 to Oregon or flying byways straight.

I do wish there were no rules, no limits on my speed!

Then my fun would escalate but I guess you'd call that greed.

So I'll stick to motoring and the pleasure that it brings.

Just getting out there for a day makes my heart and body sing!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Morning Glory

Morning glories & trumpet vines - all help recall & bring to mind

the wonders of my Lord.

The hills around, the sky above - all make me feel wrapped in the love

of the heavenly King.

The brilliant, streaming rays of sun - make my heart leap to the One

Who made these and all things.

Lord, I praise your Name this morning.

I'll give thanks with joyful singing.

Now and all day long.

Moon Walk

I think I must go walking in the full moon light.

Just a little stroll on this most lovely night.

The shadows & reflections such a beauteous sight.

It feels as though it's day, 'cause this moon's so bright.

I'll saunter 'round the mountain, yes it seems so right.

To go walking on my moonlit path

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ in this night's bright light.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

It's January


We should be tromping in the snow.

Instead we're basking in sunshine's glow.

We should be skiing down powdery slopes.

Instead we're hiking by the water ditch flow.

We should be bundled in warm winter coats.

Instead we're in shirtsleeves, wearing our shorts.

We should be in snow boots all set in a row.

Instead you're seeing flip-flop toes.

We should be gasping at misty rainbows.

Instead there's just a random cloud, wispy and low.

The yard should be done, the end of all growth.

Instead here I am, out there with the hoe.

We should be 4-wheelin' with chains in tow.

Instead the top's down as road trippin' we go.

The deer should be scraping for food, buck & doe.

Instead they're just grazing, all nice & slow.

We should hear Justin saying "all schools are closed".

Instead the kids are going in their summer clothes.

Our planes should be grounded, dear me such woe.

Instead, easy flying, all things nice & stowed.

We should be hearing blizzards & winter winds blow.

But windows are open, sweet breeze blowing through.

We should be all cuddled, fire warm & close.

Instead, pilot's off & the heat set to 'no'.

I'm not complainin'... I'm just sayin'...


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Morning Praise

Watching the sunrise inspires me;

Reminds me of God's faithfulness.

I love that His mercies are new every morning;

That He promises never to leave us.

I see the mountains reflect His glory as the sun peaks over their rim.

I feel the breath of wind in the trees as the earth stirs to awaken.

I hear the rocks cry out in praise as the sun-lit water flows over them.

We join these in praise this day.

We lift our voice & hearts to say:

Glory to God in the highest & peace on earth, good will to men.

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Walk

I love to walk my water ditch, fast-paced or very slow.

I love to take in all above and everything below.

I feel such invigoration. My brain is set afire.

And yet there is a peace felt nowhere else on earth.

The wind speaks, the clouds float by, and You walk by my side.

Sometimes I see a friend and wave.

Sometimes I feel rain on my face.

Sometimes it's just a peaceful walk at the closing of the day.

It's now a sweet part of my life as seasons come and go.

It's where I run away from strife and where I've come to know

that You walk by my side.